I began the The How to Gay Podcast with the lofty goal of trying to figure out how everyone else survives our lives as people in the gay community, so I love talking with others that have something to say. Whether you are an artist, author, drag queen, musician, what have you, I'd love to talk if you are interested.
You can email me at howtogaypodcast (at) gmail.com. Or if you see me on any social media, I will try my best to get back to you. I'll be honest, I'm very much an Instagram person, but if that's not your preferred platform, do what you can.
While I haven't had it yet, you can also just do a correspondence email interview that I can post onto my Blog.
Here's the master list of guests that I've interviewed for The How to Gay Podcast
Guest Name | Episode Appearance |
David F Khalili | Episode 4 - Talking to David F Khalili about his book "Sex Worriers" ; News & Dear Evan Hansen Review Episode 11 - Extended Interviews with Keri Oki and David F Khalili, Anime Recommendations and Disney Springs |
Keri Oki | Episode 7 - Interview with drag queen Keri Oki Episode 11 - Extended Interviews with Keri Oki and David F Khalili, Anime Recommendations and Disney Springs |
G. Scott Graham | Episode 17 - Flee Review, Interview with G. Scott Graham |