My name is Paz and I'm the one man show behind the How To Gay Podcast. I'm excited to have you pop up on here, because in all honesty, I'm not expecting many people reading this.
If you're trying to figure out proof as to why I run a podcast, back in the day I earned two Bachelors in Communications and Business Marketing. I did college radio and loved it. I eventually became a writer for AOL's TV Squad, which became AOL TV. Then Yahoo kinda took over and a lot of the links don't exist anymore. Interestingly, some of the articles are now sited over on IMDB, like this one
I also wrote reviews and opinion pieces on other websites like Blogcritics and The Celebrity Cafe. Loved my time on those sites. Again, since it's been so long, I tried to look for a Blogcritics music review and ended up with the copied version of the Blogcritics review on another site.
I have a Masters in Political Communication, though I never pursued going into politics, it inspired me to move to Upstate New York.
I spent several years in the travel and tourism industry, so I gained a love for venturing out into the world and gaining inspiration. Then the pandemic hit and let's just say I had an opportunity to pursue a path back to my communications field. I also started taking cosplay seriously. Well...kinda seriously. I just hope I don't lose the creative spark that guided me in that direction.
Throughout the whole time, I still consider myself a musician. Music is available on Spotify. I used to perform for a lot of Filipino functions when I was in my teens and 20s. Performing for different organizations, weddings, at least one street fair. I competed in things and lost. Fun fact I auditioned for American Idol a few times and never got past the cattle calls. I went mostly digital, with some covers on youtube and mostly on Singsnap. I'm getting myself back on the bandwagon.
The How to Gay Podcast is a culmination of my life any my experiences and I hope everyone out there enjoys.
♡ Paz
The kinda embarrassing extra section:
Here's a random, one of those high school filler things you put to make your applications look amazing for colleges. I found a link proving that I was part of a Fulbright Association Writers Initiative. Whoo-boy, that was way too long ago for the internet to still have a link available.
Also, here's a picture that's now over 10 years ago of me doing college radio. Well, this was between songs. And I was trying to look flirty. Oh you silly 20-something year-old Paz. I used CDs when I mixed everything. I probably wanted to use the record player, but I only got into collecting records well after I graduated: